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Coronary CT Angiography (CTA)


Cardiac CT Angiography can detect blockages even before symptoms occur.

Cardiac CT Angiography takes pictures of the heart and its arteries to help determine if there are blockages, which — If left untreated — can lead to fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain and even heart attack.

Coronary CTA is completely non-invasive and is performed in the new University Imaging offices on the front grounds of St. Joseph’s Wayne Medical Center. It is made possible by the latest generation of low-radiation-dose CT scanners that produce high-quality images of the coronary arteries within minutes.

In the past, the only way to make similar diagnoses was to perform a cardiac catheterization, an invasive procedure that requires a catheter, or small tube, to be threaded into the coronary arteries. That procedure involved a level of discomfort, more patient recovery time and included a risk of potential complications.

The GE LightSpeed VCT CT Scanner

Coronary CT Angiography (CTA) is performed using the 64-slice CT scanner. This scans the entire heart within five heartbeats and produces 3-D, 360-degree images of the coronary arteries, the place where heart attacks originate. The results are used to evaluate the level of patient risk, and what treatment (if any) is necessary. This image above at left was produced using the GE LightSpeed VCT CT scanner.

People who stand to benefit from Coronary CTAs are those who have no symptoms of heart disease or chest pain but who are in a “high-risk” category. Examples of high-risk categories include people with a family history of heart disease, high cholesterol and hypertension. Patients should always consult their family doctor first before considering whether a Coronary CT angiogram is right for them.

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